Paris, circa 1766-1768.
Carved, painted and gilded beech.
H 96 cm. (37 ¾ in.); L. 64 cm. (25 ¼ in.); W. 65 cm. (25 ½ in.).
Stamp: BAUVE visible under the front rail of the seat.
Provenance: private collection.
Literature: Christian Baulez, “Mathieu Debauve, menuisier en siège des Voyer d’Argenson, La famille Voyer d’Argenson et son entourage; parents, artistes et relations”, in Journée d’histoire au château des Ormes, 2014, Châtellerault, 2015, p. 91-121.
Ministry of Culture
In storage in the reassembled rooms of the chancellerie d’Orléans in the Hôtel de Rohan in Paris (with the patronage of the Banque de France).